HIAU | Harvest Intercontinental American University

(Liberia) +231 888655544 | (USA) +1 855-448-8500

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Technology is critical to creating an enriched learning environment for HIAU students. The University will leverage cutting edge technology to provide a unique, advanced, accessible, and highly sought after 21st century learning environment.

HIAU envisions an environment that provides e-learning opportunities in a variety of formats, most of which will be accessible on-demand and at the pace that best suits individual students. Technology will be integrated into traditionally taught courses to enhance learning by making lectures more interactive and collaborative. There will also be components of courses and complete courses that are fully online to be accessed by individual students based on their schedules and the pace at which they learn the material. In addition, the University plans to offer blended courses that are a mix of traditional in-class learning and online, individually paced learning. Finally, HIAU will have entire degree programs that are fully online which can be completed with no need for the students to attend in-person classes.

The University will also evaluate emerging online strategies such as Massive Open Online Courses or MOOCs and how they can be delivered in a manner that enhances learning, provides access to an expanded student enrollment while maintaining the quality academic environment that is the cornerstone of the University.

Modern technology vendor sources, accessibility and usage paradigms will be integrated throughout the physical and virtual HIAU campus. The University will take a new streamlined approach to identity management, human resources, student records, asset management, utility, and cost controls. By taking advantage of the green field environment and the opportunity to start fresh with advanced software and hardware, the campus will require fewer staff and resources to operate while still providing a safe, secure, and sustainable learning environment. HIAU will develop advanced technology for its own use and for potential commercial and higher education industry markets in an entrepreneurial approach. HIAU classroom technology will incorporate today’s most advanced systems as well as the most efficient traditional tools to facilitate hands-on learning, and collaboration among students, faculty, and staff. Students will gain broad experience with the most current technology, and because of that, they will graduate ready to compete in the high-tech market. HIAU will use lecture capture systems to record and recreate each lecture or lab experiment, making it possible for students to replay lectures as needed on and off campus. In addition, the University will implement a Learning Management System that integrates classroom materials on and off campus to deliver the same learning experience for both face-to-face and distance delivery.

Students must be able to monitor their grades, track their progress and communicate with faculty and counselors. HIAU will deploy a Student Information System that is available to students, faculty, and staff from anywhere in the world and via all popular personal access devices. This ubiquitous environment allows students access to their records at any time and gives them the ability to communicate with faculty or fellow students around the clock.

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HIAU History

HIAU expects to expand rapidly throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. HIAU will solicit funding by way of grants, donor institutions, student fees, angel groups, charitable donations from philanthropic institutions and individuals desiring to help make an impact in higher education in this part of the world, thus helping to bridge the gap between the under-developed and the developed world. Additional revenue will come from fees that will be charged to students to help cover the cost of operating the institution.

HIAU will also seek funding from all available sources and will explore all avenues provided by law to partner with private companies and individuals for the purpose of financing and constructing necessary facilities.


Mindful of this, HIAU Founding Team will recruit faculty who will develop the curriculum by assuring that the University follows the requirements of the State of Maryland, the U.S. Department of Education and the Department of Education, Republic of Liberia. Programmatic prerequisites, common course numbering, general education requirements and scheduling are all considerations of which HIAU will be mindful. The HIAU is also moving forward with becoming accredited through the USA’s premier accreditation commission. The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) is responsible for more than 525 accredited and candidate degree-granting institutions which offer one or more postsecondary educational programs, including those offered via distance education, of at least one academic year in length at the Associate’s or higher level in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and any other geographic areas in which the Commission elects to conduct accrediting activities within and outside of the United States. https://www.msche.org/accreditation.
As an eLearning University HIAU will also pursue accreditation from DEAC (Distance Education Accrediting Commission) According to DEAC, its geographic area of accreditation activities includes all states within the United States and international locations. The DEAC affirms that its website is designed to be a resource for all those interested in distance education accreditation: students, faculty, administrators, and the public.
We Are Open opening in 2023!


The primary campus located in Monrovia is the academic building. This structure, when completed, will provide adequate academic and operation space during HIAU’s first two to three years of operation. However, HIAU’s facility needs will grow rapidly over the next 10 years as student enrollment and program offerings expand. Ultimately, additional facilities will be needed for academic, research and operational uses. Those facilities include:
HIAU students will be able to start their own businesses and become job creators. Graduates will be well informed and engaged about the changing society. These businesses will be socially responsible. Additionally, HIAU graduates will have a strong exposure to management methods and processes in order to be especially attractive to potential employers. All students will complete junior and senior year projects or internships giving them hands-on experience with real-world processes, and all courses will emphasize business application.
Campus Services will provide the following essential contracted services: dining, bookstore, snack and beverage vending, postal operations, copy center, ID card services, convenience store (C-store) and transportation and parking services. Additionally, copiers and printers will be installed throughout the academic building. The University plans to provide some outdoor activity opportunities for students, faculty and staff, such as bicycle and walking paths and nature trails in order to enhance student life on campus. The University is also planning for outdoor structured activities such as basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis, and volleyball.
At least twenty-five percent of students are expected to come from beyond its immediate geographic area, because the University’s unique curriculum and hands-on academic approach will be attractive to students around the country and region. Surveys of potential students have already shown that nearly 50 percent expect and desire affordable on-campus housing options. Additionally, on campus housing will provide students better access to campus facilities, technology and interdisciplinary learning opportunities that are vital to their coursework and academic experience. Therefore, it is important that HIAU make long term provisions for housing options as early as possible. the university will conduct a thorough review of student housing options to determine the most feasible option

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