Bridging The Gap
Learning Environment

Making a Difference

why choose us
Harvest Intercontinental American University, Inc. (HIAU) is a private, non-profit university founded under the visionary leadership of Dr. Darlingston G. Johnson, Presiding Bishop of Harvest Intercontinental Ministries Unlimited (HIM-U). Founded in Silver Spring MD in 1990, HIM-U has founded over 450 churches, schools and orphanages located in six continents, predominantly Sub-Saharan Africa.
HIAU Graduates will compete for the highest paying jobs available, start businesses and non-profit organizations. And they will create jobs and solve societal problems. HIAU has launched a STEM University in Liberia, with its first campus in Monrovia. HIAU’S curriculum and learning community provide a unique opportunity for developing leaders and entrepreneurs.
In partnership with international and local leaders, HIAU will engage students in solving real-world problems, gaining hands-on work experience , end engaging in applied research and business leadership.
The HIAU Advantage
Ideally Located
HIAU's onsite campus and headquarters will be strategically located within close proximity to Monrovia, Liberia's capital city, easily accessible to students, industries and local businesses.
Digital Infrastructure
HIAU's will offer a leading edge hybrid of in-person and virtual learning in partnership with Oral Roberts University.
Rasing the Bar
The only way to increase a country's standard of living is to raise its educational level and productivity, and productivity comes from innovation in products, services and processes.
Our Vision
HIAU will collaborate with partners to engage students in solving real-world problems gaining hands-on work experience, and engaging in applied research and business leaderships opportunities.
We Are Open opening in 2024!
Our Five Pillars
Taking into account the challenges the world is currently presenting, HIAU colleges will be unique as they will combine the following five pillars to ensure every graduate will have the skill sets necessary in the third decade of the 21st century and beyond.
The HIAU Founding Team and Founding Advisory Board realizes it is time to take seriously some of the problems the world is now facing and that present systems are in need of change. Yes, humans have been dealing with critical problems for thousands of years but problems have now become more challenging with far dire consequences if we fail to reform how we educate. Climate change, pandemics, Internet hacking and misinformation, education reform, income inequality, systemic racism, nuclear proliferation, and tribalism are some of the urgent challenges that HIAU students will address.
University students have always had energy and the mental prowess to create change. Most of the students who will attend HIAU were born in the 21st century and are keenly aware of the urgency of the times, as they have the most to lose if humanity fails to address current challenges. They have a pretty good idea of how today’s technologies can help solve problems and don’t have to be convinced that technology literacy is critical. We see today’ students working in powerful ways in their communities and wanting to do more. HIAU realizes that without the energy, expertise, and passion of their students, building a relevant world class university is not possible. HIAU students will be involved as leaders throughout their time with HIAU including curriculum and program development.
Technology has been advancing for centuries, especially during the past three decades. Technology may finally be at the point where we can actualize bringing about the systemic changes necessary to address the urgent problems facing humanity. Satellite-direct high-speed networks (global remote/rural access), cloud-based storage, artificial intelligence, robotics, etc. can now become elements in a powerful toolkit, giving us a chance to save ourselves. HIAU is focusing on providing each of its students and faculty with the best possible onsite and online technology education.
HIAU has, at its core, the whole person approach and will promote “care for the entire person.”
HIAU and Oral Roberts University Sign Historic MOU
Harvest Intercontinental I American University will collaborate with partners to engage students in solving real-world problems gaining hands-on work experience, and engaging in applied research and business leaderships opportunities.
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- 16227 Batchellors Forest Road
- Olney, MD 20832
- +1 (301) 778-8500
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