HIAU | Harvest Intercontinental American University

(Liberia) +231 888655544 | (USA) +1 855-448-8500

Email: info@hiauniversity.org


HIAU Colleges

HIAU will be an American accredited degree granting institution, granting Bachelor’s degrees and certification programs. HIAU will be comprised of five colleges:

Business and Public Administration​

Liberal Arts and Social Sciences​


Science, Technology and Applied Health​


Every HIAU course will consider the critical needs for educated people in West Africa. These needs will be analyzed to determine what solutions are taking place and what gaps currently exist.

The following list of the initial five HIAU Colleges will change and expand over time. Feel free to contact us with any questions.

Initial HIAU Colleges offering Degrees and/or Certifications

College of Business and Public Administration

College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

College of Education

College of Science, Technology, and Allied Health

College of Theology

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HIAU realizes that today’s university students are insisting that curricula consider our fast-changing world. The HIAU program curricula will be guided by its mission and pillars with input not only from academia but also from university students.

HIAU’s Innovative curriculum, however, cannot be achieved by simply defining a program or delivery model. It must be guided by a philosophy of applied research to produce doers, makers, analysts, and innovators. At Harvest Intercontinental American University, faculty will engage, explore, explain, elaborate, evaluate, and discover right alongside students. As the industry-engaged model implies, industry is directly aligned with the program and industry involvement will be heavily solicited and welcomed to provide the optimum learning experience for the student.


HIAU curricula will progress over time to ensure that graduates have relevant transferable skills. HIAU students will be cognitive of innovation while joining the leading edge of knowledge. Oral Roberts University will also share many of its courses providing HIAU students cross registration ability


Faculty will come from around the world either online or onsite. Faculty will be qualified, diverse, and knowledgeable of conditions and needs of developing nations. Faculty will deliver their courses keeping in mind the HIAU’s mission and pillars. Faculty in advanced courses will be recruited from working professionals with appropriated advanced degrees. 


HIAU students will be Intellectually able and capable with high school completion and adequate academic English. They will be passionate about creating positive change now and in the future. Students will be committed to providing leadership in addressing urgent challenges in their local communities. Students will be assigned coaches/mentors to ensure their success while at university.

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